Teen Issues

Teenage years are tough for a lot of youngsters. The most important phase in life comes up with issues and problems apart from hormonal, emotional and physical changes taking place in the body. The major issues faced by teenagers include Drugs, Alcohol, Academic Problems, Obesity, Bullying, Indulging in Sex, and Pressure of Studies. Playing Online Games with lot of bloodshed and violence also has adverse effect on them. Advancement in technology has the most negative effect on teens today, something that previous generation never faced. Today's teenagers are addicted to social media platform. They keep updating about teach and every activity they do on Whatspp, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. The social media addiction is changing the way these teenagers Eat, Sleep, Communicate and Exercise. If your ward is facing any of these issues then immediately take teen counselling from us. We have an experienced team of Teenage Counsellors, who have years of experience in handling varied kind of adolescent issues.
